
Here is a quick color legend for bundeZe:

A Few Images of the $4 add-on “Key Accessory”:
This is a laser cut piece of stainless steel. It has sharp edges in the first two photos, but it will be deburred (as shown in the last photo). After the sharp edges are removed, it goes in and out of your pocket or purse easily. Highly functional and cool looking as well!

Now, on to the what it is a bundeZe actually can do!
A little bit about bundeZe anatomy:

A Quick Primer to the Art of bundeZe!
There is a fine art to using the bundeZe. Though there are many ways to apply the bundeZe, some ways are better than others. Different challenges require different approaches. Here are a few quick videos that show some proper uses of the product.
The video instruction is purposely deliberate and looks somewhat more difficult to do than it is, simply because our goal was to keep our hands from obstructing the view. A person who masters the art of bundeZe can most certainly tie any of these configurations in seconds. Trust us — it’s so easy, Panda could do it!
(side note: Careful consideration was taken to ensure epic background tracks were applied to each movie. Mute your sound for optimum viewing pleasure!)
Art of bundeZe! – Lesson 1 – Riding along on an end of a line, and capturing coils when needed:
This method will be useful for most any long cordage:
- Dock Lines
- Paracord
- Light Chain
- Hoses
- Microphone cables
- Extension cords
- Spinnaker and Jib lines
Art of bundeZe! – Lesson 2 – Applying bundeZe on an endless object, and then lashing objects together:
This method will be useful attaching two items together, where removal needs to be quick and easy:
- Headphones to backpacks
- Water bottles to backpacks
- Umbrellas to luggage
- Shore power lines to docks and boat railing
- Boat hooks to life lines
- Life jackets to life lines / railing
- Securing loose tails of tie downs
Art of bundeZe! – Lesson 3 – Wrapping items using slide lock – for easy and complete removal:
This method will be useful for when you want the bundeZe to completely separate from bound items:
- Fishing Poles
- Tent Stakes
- Tent poles
- Camping utensils
Art of bundeZe! – Lesson 4 – Tagging an endless object using a strong connection:
This method will be useful for when you are unlikely to need to remove a bundeZe quickly, and strength is utmost importance:
- tagging of key rings
- providing a easy retrieval handle for key rings in deep pockets or purses
- tagging of luggage handles
- tagging of backpacks and other school gear
- friendly tagging of items your normally lend, but sometimes never get returned!
This method can be combined with other methods seen above, and demonstrated below…
Art of bundeZe! – Lesson 5 – Binding a Tagged Object to Another:
This method is great for attaching some smaller items to larger items for safe keeping.
Art of bundeZe! – Lesson 6 – Buliding a bundeZe! from parts:
Art of bundeZe – Extra Credit – other masterful and Zen uses:
- two or more bundeZe can be linked together to create longer bundeZe
- the bundeZe components can mixed and matched to create your own bundeZe contraption
- bundeZe are often riding along with an extension cord, when the cord is in use, they can be used to keep cord ends plugged to each other
You get the point! If you master the basic art of bundeZe use, you can adapt to and see the limitless use scenarios here and there!
Who brought these wonderful devices into existence?
The bundeZe is brought to you by a fun-loving group of people who believe that life is short and it’s best to spend your time doing what you love, with people who you enjoy. We are an eccentric group, but we are serious about creating great products that are fun to use. We hope that this kickstarter is not only informative, but both amusing and fun. We hope you enjoy learning about BundeZe and our team! We are looking forward to bringing many great products to Kickstarter. More can be found about each team member towards the end of this story.
How did we create these bundeZe? What was the process?
We thought you’d never ask. So, we’ve set the pictures of the process to warp speed video. We then set out to find the most corny soundtrack music we could. We are certain this will be the most mind numbing media ever created by man, for your enjoyment!
If reading is your thing, we have things all unabridged and ready for your kindle, included below for your e-ink pleasure.
Where did bundeZe! come from?
BundeZe was born, like every invention, out of necessity. We needed something that would make it easy for first day sailors to keep things tidy on deck. We also needed something that could stay on an item, tied up or not, so it was always right where we needed it. But, that wasn’t enough! To be perfect, it had to be strong, buoyant, tolerant of sun, salt, and freezing temperatures, to ensure long and reliable use!
At first there was:

The standard bungee was just not good enough. The standard bungee is merely one loop of low quality bungee that degrades quickly in the sun that is captured inside of a ball of plastic that, in the case of most products, becomes brittle in the cold or cracks quickly after being exposed to sunlight. The standard bungee just wasn’t durable or rebuild-able, and it sank like a brick when dropped overboard! Often times, they would get dropped overboard because they would not stay on the line that they tied, after the line was untied.

The next logical step, was having some way to lock it onto the line. But with this many parts, cost would be too high. It was time to get to the drawing board to see how to simply solve these goals.
We decided against having complex moving parts. We stuck with the shape of the familiar ball end, and moved towards the concept of a friction held slide lock and a pull tab to make it easier to wrap, tie, and bundle objects.
Prototype, after prototype — we fine tuned the proportions and features. After the dust had settled, the added functionality was great! The end result of the iterations was the added taper and size to the slide lock. The added a pull-tab and to make manipulation easy of the looped end of the shock cord, even with gloves.
We knew we were getting somewhere now! We thought for sure that this simple product was as good as done and only needed to be made “prettier.”
Once we settled on injection molding as the manufacturing process, we modified the design to remove the thick sections. With injection molding, you can not have solid plastic pieces that thick, so we removed material to make ribs on the ball that gave it a gear tooth cog look, we then pocketed the bungee loop knot to be inside of the ball end. We put corresponding meshing cogs on the slide lock. To make the pull-tab look like it belonged in the same style, we put cogs on it as well and added some nesting features. We minimized the size of the pull-tab to make it as small as possible, and still feel solid and easily found and used with gloves.
What good is a great performing product, if you can’t produce it economically?!??
As things started, we he had a product that was incredibly inefficient to manufacture. Here were the steps:
- Cut a length of bungee you hope is right
- Thread one end of the cord through the ball
- Thread that end through the slide lock
- Thread that end through the barrel on the pull tab
- Thread that end through the slide lock (again)
- Thread that end through the ball (again)
- Tie both ends into a knot and hope the length ends up right!
- Trim excess cord off from the knot and melt the shock cord
We would have to come up with a solution that would allow us to attach the pull-tab to a loop, instead of of threading the single strands through the pull-tab and tying the knot later!
Before changing the pull tab to attach to, instead of having to thread single shock cord through. This labor needed to be simplified and at least cut in half. Longer-term, there was NO easy way to reliably automate this approach.
After a few weeks of trying different methods, we arrived at a solution that would allow us to use a previously tied loop. This design and method would really serve to set bundeZe apart from other product offerings. We knew of machines that could accomplish this! But manually, this is how it would work:
- Tie a looped length of bundeZe
- Cut it from the spool, and melt it
- Reach through all three components with a hook
- Pull looped cord through all three components
- Pull looped end over top of the pull-tab
It’s actually possible to skewer the loop through all three pieces at once! Using proper shapes and nesting, we felt we had something we could eventually automate to even further reduce the cost of creation by over 70%!!! Later on, we would add more creature comforts and styling to the device.
After market research, we responded by changing the pull tab diameter to allow for the application of 0.75″ diameter stickers. This change made it so the pull tab could carry a sticker, allowing it to be labeled or color coded easily.
We came up with the name “BundeZe” as we thought it could greatly ease the bundling process on the boat and other places as well. We noticed the “Z” looked like a bundeZe, so the logo was born! The catch phrase “keep it together” was added as the summary of the product and we marched forward into the unknowns of product launch.
That’s great stuff, but how can we use the a bundeZe!?!
- WRAPPING or cinching a group of items together. Here the bundeZe is not bound to any one item and it is quick and easily removed from the wrapped items, yet it holds tight! This use depends on the friction of the slide lock for the capture of wrapped articles. Check out the video (above) for the how-to on bundeZe!

- BUNDLING by riding along with a longer item that needs held in a coiled state after use. This is a use case that is ideal for long cords that have a free end, in which you can put the cord end the bundeZe and tightly capture it between the ball end and slide lock. The bundeZe stays with the cord and is ready and waiting to secure the coils after the user decides to coil the cord after use, by pulling the pull tab through the center of the coils and placing it around the ball end. This is a very secure connection that is not reliant on friction. If you have no free end to the cord or line, you can use the lashing method. Check out the video for a how-to.

- LASHING by riding along with an item with a purpose to provide a point to which another item can be joined. The lashing method uses the combination of the wrapping and bundling method. First, you must bundle a single strand of the line. Then, you can use the pull tab to thread through the item you are hoping to tie to the line. Confusing until you’ve done it once! Check out the video for the how to.

Where are we now in our goal of getting to market?
- We have a prototype tool capable of creating small volumes of sample product.
- We have a production team in place to handle small volumes of product. The team is able to be scaled for high volumes.
- We have done extensive testing in a number of target markets to see how people learn the product and how people use the product and the value proposition in that application.
- We have prototype packaging that has allowed us to see how people would perceive the product on a shelf, in a store, prior to use.
- We are engaged with several corporations to see if we can create a custom branded bundeZe! for them. This is why we are offering rewards as similar option for kickstarters that are wanting to have something cooler than a business card or ball point pen to hand out or give to employees.
- We are currently looking for partnerships with companion high-tech products that need a reliable way to physically connect to other items.
All those things have allowed us to accurately test market response and right now, we have proven success with bundeZe! trials in the following segments, as it is quickly being proven to be the “Swiss Army” knife of material collection and organizing:
- Backpacking
- Hunting
- Camping
- Military
- High Performance Audio
- Home Organization
- Work site safety and cord management
- Utility Scenarios
- Network/Server Room Organization
- Snow Sports
- Beach and Recreation
- Marine/Sailing
- Cosmetic
- Children Toys
What are some cool features of bundeZe?
We designed a bundeZe so that it:
- will float when dropped overboard
- is lightweight
- is durable in construction
- is easily released with one hand, and is quick to use
- is glove use compatible.
- can bind a VERY large size range of products
- is made with UV resistant materials to withstand direct sun exposure for long periods of time
- can be rebuilt by the user should the shock cord become worn
What else sets us apart from other solutions?
Quite simply put, a bundeZe is:
- capable of riding along with the items that need to be bundled so you never have to go looking for it
- a device that not only works in a scenario where you can slip it over the end of a cord, but is used in between ends
- completely rebuildable in high use scenarios where the shock cord becomes worn.
- when used in conjunction with the optional “IsThisLost” return item tagging service, lost items can find their way home!
- useful for labeling bundled material as the pull tab can receive a 0.75″ sticker label, or can be written on directly
- can easily be combined with passive (optical) tracking or active tracking (like Bringrr or other similar approaches)
- easy to customize for new aesthetics for functions.
- a great tool to make finding or retrieving things much easier… like key rings hiding in deep purses and pockets.
- able to be made as glow-in-the-dark.
- just plain awesome!
How can you customize a bundeZe?
- can be be tied and cut shorter if it is too long for your bundling needs.
- can be made longer by combining bundeZe, or replacing the too short length of shock cord with a longer length that better fits the needs.
- bundeZe components can be combined to create a number of custom specific solutions, e.g. nets or webs to accomplish larger goals and creative works of art.
How can we custom design a bundeZe for you or your company:
We can easily create a custom branded bundeZe for your use. Please inquire if we can help you or your company with a great marketing tool like bundeZe! We can change many facets of the looks of bundeZe and still maintain efficient manufacturing, and therefore costs! Let us create a custom bundeZe for your use!
Prototype Feedback To Date
We have sent out our prototypes as trial product to get feedback for changes. We found out several things. People LOVE bundeZe and no changes were needed from a user standpoint! Here is some feedback from a popular product review site fishhound.:
- “Instantly used these upon receiving them. Not only did I bungee important fishing materials, but also used these for garage use and have thrown a couple in my truck to hold other bungee cords together. I will buy additional Bundeze soon.”
- “Just what the Dr. ordered. As soon as the 4 pk arrived I secured my two piece rods and folding fishing net. These are great and I know I’ll find many more uses for them. I’ll definitely recommend them and buy more for my use.”
- “Handy item for temporary storage on my boat, in my car, and around the house. Easy to use..”
- “I can think of 1000 uses for this product, on my boat for fishing gear, for camping even in the car. Right now I am using them to keep all my boat rope tied up and neat. I will have to order more soon, they are great.”
- “Good amount for the price, simple but effective design, and I compare these to the loop rope when it comes to versatility and ways to use. Awesome little product”
- “highly cool. very versatile. i watched the video and got some ideas about how to use these. I will use them to bundle rods on my boat, organize rope and cordage, and if available, I would purchase these in any size. Love them!”
- “I have primarily been using the product to manage extension cords and anchor line. The Bundeze are easy to take off and on and hold fast. They are durable and I see them lasting a very long time. I like how the bundeZe is adjustable and versatile.”
We are looking forward to the input we get from the Kickstarter community!
What we hope to accomplish on Kickstarter:
- Increase awareness and further document uses – bundeZe! prototypes are out and about in some various and small market trials. We are sure that the Kickstarter community will be the most creative in finding new uses.
- Production tooling. We currently have a prototype tool that we are using to produce these Kickstarter parts. We will use the Kickstarter funds to create a new production ready tool that can handle significant production volumes. A majority of contributions through successful funding will go directly to this tooling and assembly tooling endeavor.
- Marketing: we will use Kickstarter funds to ramp up marketing, trade shows, and pilots. The key with a new product like this is getting the product into as many hands as possible while educating the user on the use of the product. Shows are often a great way to do this. It is, however, expensive.
- Intellectual Property and Legal. We will complete steps already taken to protect the designs of bundeZe. We will also create a good template for licensing and custom product creation for clients.
Can you explain the variety of rewards?
We have a large range of contribution amounts, and an impressive list of color combinations and lengths.
Supporters can decide on support rewards based on:
- Varying colors
- Varying lengths
- Lost item tagging features
Different use scenarios require different quantities and colors. We’ve attempted to creatively assemble rewards that satisfy the minimums for those use scenarios. Feel free to suggest a different reward that better fits your use scenarios!
We are hoping that this Kickstarter can be a catalyst for marketing to create awareness of uses and begin not only the fad, but also the longer-term staple product for bundlers in all facets of life and hobbies.
An Inside Look at the BundeZe Team
Aaron: Aaron is a slightly obsessive and somewhat retentive design engineer with an intense dislike for accidental stupidity. Aaron enjoys the creation of an idea, making the idea reality, as well as breaking it and rebuilding it until another team member takes it from him and puts it to market. He is a large fan of the Darwin Awards, has recently perfected fried rice, and hopes to perfect Pad Thai as soon as possible. Aaron is an amateur stripper on Wednesday nights at the local retirement village and dreams of making it big as a stripper in Vegas someday. This Vegas dream is only second to, and could easily be forgotten, if he could somehow have every game he had on his Commodore 128 available on his phone — Specifically Bruce Lee, IK+, California Games, and Lemmings. (please help Aaron, fellow kickstarters)
Question and Answer with Aaron:
- What keeps Aaron up at night: Anything not completed
- What keeps Aaron awake in meetings: Nothing
- Favorite thing to do in meetings: Create Staged Fights with Bernie
- What is Aaron’s favorite cheese: Pepper Jack
- If Aaron could be an Animal, what would Aaron be: Aaron
- Aaron’s least favorite animal: The one that poops where he steps
- Most significant accomplishment to date: his children
For those interested in actual and factual information about Aaron:
Bernie: Bernie is none other than Bernie. Bernie creates an aura wherever he goes. You might have seen him on several commercials, sitcoms, or movies. It’s more likely you haven’t though. We aren’t completely sure what it is that Bernie does, but he’s told us it’s very important. We’re not even sure he gets paid, but he seems reliable. Although we only see him once or twice every month. We’ll update more about Bernie as we find out more. Bernie is easy to spot on the street. You are likely to see him flashing open his bundeZe lined trench coat, making sales on the streets to everyone who passes by. Just a fair warning, we’re not sure what else is under that trench coat. So be careful!
Q&A with Bernie:
- What brought you to sell bundeZe? Well, it was either going to be meth or bundeZe. The meth crowd was a bit scary, and bundeZe are just as addictive, so the choice was obvious.
- What is your favorite food? Any
- Okay… If you HAD to pick an ethnic food? Mexican.
For those interested in actual and factual information about Bernie:
Miles: Miles was a red-headed, furry-faced, youth Olympic hopeful in archery until he was diagnosed with slender wrists. Since then, he’s recovered from that diagnosis nicely and has become an entrepreneur. Like most entrepreneurs, he is quirky and well connected. Miles recently gave up the lifestyle of “Harem” and recently got married. Since then, every day has been sunny, full of rainbows, and without obstacle. Well, almost — all except for the days that he has to deal with Aaron and Bernie. The slender wrists of Miles remind him daily of his humble origins and they further spur him onward to succeed as an entrepreneur.
Q&A with Miles:
- Were you born with a furry face? Yes.
- Seriously? Yes
- Is your hair color natural? No, it’s “Simply Red”, Just for Men.
For those interested in actual and factual information about Miles:
Seriously: As far as our team goes:

Bernie Tobin (on the right) is a key advisor and master strategist in sales, marketing, packaging. Miles Smith (in the middle) is responsible for sales and bookkeeping. Aaron Schradin (on the left) is design responsible and makes sure all things go smoothly in manufacturing. Raj Mehta (absent for photo) is part of our auxiliary team. Raj will insure that IsThisLost equipped bundeZe smoothly find their way to you — and back again, if you happen to misplace them or their attached items!
Here is Raj’s Biography:
Raj is entrepreneur extraordinaire by night. By day, “International Man of Mystery.” No one person completely understands the capabilities and achievements of Raj — though we have seen random checks arrive in the mail from various parts of the world. Oddly enough, one day someone anonymously gifted him a Lexus, and even more mysteriously, he turned it down. It seems mysterious until you realize his love for pedaling around town on his collectable Cannondale.
If asked, he will disclose that is passion is the creation of simple solutions for complex problems. Being design nerds, we dig that! Currently, he is behind the lost item labeling solution.
Q&A With Raj:
- Why do you believe in tagging unlost items? (indistinguishable mumblings something about primary and surrogate keys)
- What do you fear most? Stuck in Tokyo subway without an interpreter.
- What are are you most looking forward to? My next chess game with my daughter…. I cling to the hope that someday I will win.
Collective Team Thanks:
We can’t believe you made it this far down. You are truly patient and attentive. You will make someone a great soul mate, if you aren’t already… Thanks for your time and we hope you see the value in bundeZe like as we do. Sponsor us if you can, and enjoy your reward!
Although bundeZe tend to make people very creative — bundeZe are not meant for any use where harm to any living creature, or any inanimate object for that matter, can occur. BundeZe are not sling shots, nor are they ideal replacements for rubber bands in rubber band fights. BundeZe components in an assembled and disassembled state can create a choke hazard, especially if near a mouth. Keep bundeZe away from mouths, as a matter of fact — do not put bundeZe in any body orifice. BundeZe consist of parts that have chemicals that are likely (and/or known) to cause cancer in the state of California. BundeZe consist of mostly polypropylene and rubber strands, with a little bit of casing over the rubber strands. None of those ingredients are intended to be consumed or injected. Heating bundeZe or burning bundeZe will release toxic fumes, as does most everything else on the planet — do not smoke bundeZe. Though bundeZe have many uses, any use that harms anyone or anything is unintended. Buyers assume responsibility for all use and misuse of these items and should exercise great care.
From Successful Campaign to Fulfillment of Sponsors
Upon successful funding of the kickstarter campaign:
1. Bernie & Aaron will provide proper communication of colors, quantity, and transmit funding for manufacturing . This can take four weeks.
2. Miles will get shipping organized for the entire qty. based on timing.
3. If timing allows, we will ship by ocean freight. Otherwise by air. This can take 20 to 25 days!
4. While waiting for product, to arrive, Miles will create all the proper packing lists and assign addresses .
5. As a team, we will secure postage based on locations and insert each packing slip as we wait for product.
6. Upon arrival of the product, we will do the necessary assembly and packaging.
7. We will schedule pickup for the lot of packages for delivery, providing updates and shipping information and/or tracking numbers where applicable.
8. We will query each customer about receipt and request original photos (with model releases where necessary) on how they are being used.
9. Upon receipt of the photos via email or some social platform we will make a photo gallery of thanks for our supporters.
10. We will then all look to Bernie to supply significant beverage and food for celebration of a successful campaign. Afterwards, we will return with another campaign for your consideration!
Risks and challenges
Our confidence on this kickstarter: We have been designing products for over 40 years in combined experience. Our art is the creation of simple solutions to complex problems. It is highly unlikely we will encounter anything creating significant or minor delays — if anything, we should be ahead of schedule. Should a hurdle arise, we have the horsepower to blast through it, if not eloquently scale it. This product has been designed to be efficiently manufactured. The hard work is done! The rest is purely methodical and run-of-the mill production challenges of money and timing. If one supplier drops the ball, we find another. If one shipper can’t make timing, we find another. Our deadlines are conservative and our current momentum forward is ahead of schedule. Our first priority is delivery of rewards — after that, and because of your help, our quest for changing the World, one bundeZe at a time, can continue. Our kickstarter history: Our group helps large companies, and individuals alike, achieve their product launch goals. We have been doing this for MANY years now. We help people get things out of their brains and into their hands! Some of these projects are in the automotive, medical, consumer, military, and recreation areas. When we aren’t there from the beginning on a design — we are sometimes brought in to solve roadblock problems to get things back on track, under budget, and on time. We have been in the background on several successful kickstarter launches totaling funding of more than one million dollars. We look forward to contributing more of our own ideas to the kickstarter community in the near future, and helping others get theirs here as well.
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